Modeling or Prostituting?

By Ozov Drev

Our achievements, accomplishments, goals and targets are worth celebrating everyday of our life.
Making every days stride count because each of this success stories are drawn off our initiative to start something beautiful and end it even more glamorous. 

Beauty has it’s natural essence shown in a woman, neither tainted, nor objectified but graceful to serve and be adored, bringing pure satisfaction, comfort to humanity. The beautiful mind knows that the model is one who gives the world a vivid understanding of the fullness of femininity which is a clear picture of virtue a living rose that should be groomed not squashed.

She is a woman, an example of poise and confidence on the runway, who silently reminds us about the pride of a mother, Something we most time forgets.

The model stands on the spotlight and reminds us why we should treat our women as ladies, ever young and radiant at heart. We are not in distress, we are not pencils, and we are invaluable. We do have a vision to share our love, our energies, and our beauty and the beauty of life..

Modeling has become a lucrative and exciting business in our world today. With it’s proliferation, many are becoming conscious of this passion however, wrong meanings have been etched about it by some ugly minds. Beauty agencies are now perceived to be sex traffickers who garner participants as cocotte hustles. 

Beauty queens can attest to the fact that strong regulatory policies and ethics exist to guide them so as to uphold the moral standards of the business. One of such is the prohibitions which disallows the use of revealing outfits. This queenly requirement is necessary to instill the queen's moral consciousness in every woman who are believed to be queens in their own right.
It is therefore painful to know that feeble minds exchange the word ‘model’ for ‘prostitute’ and ‘modeling’ for ‘prostitution’. Though they might not be totally wrong as it is a well known fact that there are some bodies out there who in some ways have abused the profession. Some agencies have been seen to use their models as professional ex-courts.

This is quiet unfortunate, but as we are all very aware of, in the world today, there is hardly an original stuff without a counterfeit! So the truth is, even if there are agencies out there with a hidden agenda, there are still some who stick strictly to the script which is providing models  with a role either to promote, display, or advertise commercial products (notably fashion clothing) or to serve as a visual aide for people who are creating works of art or to pose for photography.

It is our hope that with this post some light will be shared on this issue that is fast causing controversy and wrong branding on very legit agencies out there! We at HOD embrace the truth of what we are we refuse negative perceptions that demean womanhood. We remain ambassadors of beauty and her essence. So let’s change our heart, purify our minds, and cleanse out souls. Get rid of dirty notions that smear the reality of motherhood.#HOD #ROYALTY


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